

Psychiatry & Mental Health located in Tulsa, OK


Anxiety is a part of daily life that comes and goes as you face difficult or dangerous situations. But for nearly one-third of teens and adults, anxiety becomes an overwhelming and constant problem that won’t improve without treatment from Bradley McClure, MD, and the skilled team at McClure & Associates Psychiatry. They provide compassionate care customized to meet your unique needs and give you the ability to break free of anxiety and enjoy life. Call the office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, today or use online booking to schedule an appointment and learn more about anxiety treatment.

Anxiety Q & A

When does anxiety need treatment?

Everyone has anxiety because it’s the body’s natural response to daily stress, a dangerous situation, or a dreaded future event. Even though you can’t prevent anxiety (or your body’s automatic physical response), you should calm down after dealing with difficult circumstances.

Anxiety crosses the line from a natural response to a problem when you:

  • Have persistent and severe anxiety that affects your daily life
  • Feel anxious even if you don’t face a known or anticipated challenge
  • Change your daily routine to avoid the event or place that triggers your anxiety

When anxiety overwhelms your life, it won’t improve on its own, but you can overcome the problem with help from the McClure & Associates Psychiatry team.

Are there different anxiety disorders?

There are several anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry over everyday issues and situations)
  • Social anxiety disorder (fear of meeting new people, socializing, or needing to perform)
  • Panic disorder (unexpected and recurrent panic attacks)
  • Agoraphobia (fear of leaving a place where you feel safe and situations you can’t leave)
  • Specific phobia (intense fear of an object, activity, or animal)
  • Separation anxiety disorder (extreme anxiety when apart from family or caregivers)

Separation anxiety disorder is known as a children’s condition, but it affects people of all ages.

How does anxiety make me feel?

In addition to fear, worry, and dread, you may experience a range of emotional and physical symptoms, including:

  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Excessive sweating

Anxiety often triggers panic attacks, which come on suddenly and cause frightening symptoms like chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a feeling of doom.

How is anxiety treated?

After completing an evaluation, your McClure & Associates Psychiatry provider recommends a treatment plan based on the severity of your symptoms and type of anxiety disorder.

They may prescribe medication for severe symptoms and panic attacks. However, most people improve with psychotherapy. 

Several therapeutic techniques, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy, are proven to assist people in managing anxiety. Therapy helps people to overcome their fears, change negative thoughts, and learn effective coping skills.

Don’t wait to seek help for anxiety that hinders your life. Call McClure & Associates Psychiatry today or use online booking to request an appointment.